(St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School - Sheffield)
>Language Angels has been nothing short of a game-changer for me as a new subject lead and also to our primary school in Sheffield. It has redefined the way we approach language teaching in our classrooms. The comprehensive resources and engaging content have not only made learning more enjoyable for our students, but will also, I believe, significantly improve their language proficiency and prepare them for studying a language when they leave the primary setting. The well-structured curriculum, with support and guidance in place as a school new to the programme, along with the wealth of supporting materials, has also made our teachers' jobs easier and more effective. Additionally, what sets Language Angels apart is the ongoing support and professional development opportunities it offers. I have found webinars to be incredibly valuable in making the most of the scheme and ensuring I can feedback advice and tips to colleagues. I would highly recommend Language Angels to other teachers.
(Therfield First School - Hertfordshire)
Language Angels has allowed our children to make excellent progress with their language learning. The children are able to apply their language learning across all 4 areas of the curriculum. They make solid links with their previous learning and this has allowed them to say their own original simple sentences. The focus on phonics means that the children are secure in their pronunciation and happy to have a go at reading unfamiliar words. They enjoy their language lessons and are happy to take their learning home through access to the games which are engaging. The team at Language Angels has been helpful in developing a rolling curriculum and also listens to users so that the materials fit the needs of our tiny village school.
(St Faiths Primary School - Wandsworth)
Our school use Language Angels across KS2 and have found the resources easy to access and with the right level of support. The PowerPoints are interactive and easy to follow. It is also clear to see how they are reflective of the NC which gives peace of mind. It is also good to be able to select units to differentiate or appeal to specific classes. I've also found the new website even easier to use and am very happy with it.
(George Washington Primary School - Tyne & Wear)
After researching a range of different MFL learning schemes, I found that Language Angels best suited the needs of my school. What really appealed to me was the wide range of resources that are accessible for all ages and abilities. My school has had fantastic support in establishing this scheme. Paolo worked closely with me to create a bespoke whole school overview that would help the children get the most out of their Spanish learning scheme. Language Angels integrated really smoothly into our weekly teaching. Despite having limited to no experience with teaching Spanish, my colleagues are becoming more confident in teaching Spanish with the support of their resources. All the children love their Spanish lessons in school and look forward to them every week. My year 1 class in particular have been learning about animals. They love the song that accompanies the learning and ask me to play it on repeat. I would fully recommend Language Angels to any teachers who are looking for a MFL teaching scheme.
(St Patrick's RC Primary School - Leamington Spa)
Language Angels is a fantastic resource that supports the delivery of MFL in our school. Everything teachers need can easily be accessed and all planning and worksheets are provided. The scheme is easy to follow, and teachers do not prior knowledge to deliver lessons. As a result of Language Angles, teachers feel more confident in delivering French lessons. Children enjoy the interactive PowerPoints, games and worksheets and the end of topic assessments are simply to carry out. They are engaged during lessons and eager to participate.
(Usworth Colliery Primary School - Washington)
Language Angels is a very supportive community and the staff are quick to respond the any queries.
The lessons plans and resources are plentiful and are clear and well received by both staff and pupils. The huge wealth and range of resources allows teachers (especially non-specialist teachers) to gain confidence in delivering sessions.
(Milford Junior School - Yeovil)
One of the biggest challenges of teaching a language at primary level is ensuring that all class teachers feel confident delivering lessons even if they are not a language specialist. For us, Language Angels has helped us to meet this challenge. Teachers who feel they are not confident with language teaching have been able to use the power points and other materials to deliver successful lessons which has boosted their confidence, ensuring that MFL is less likely to be dropped off our busy timetables. I have recently spoken to a colleague who had been asked to cover French for the first time and reached out for advice. It took me no time at all to show her how to access the program of learning and start planning her first lesson which she told me after had been a great success. She particularly liked the sound buttons which allowed her to teach the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary being studied. We are pleased at how Language Angels has supported French learning at Milford and it forms the basis of our lesson planning for this subject through the school.
(Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School - East Sussex)
What most impresses me is that Language Angels is constantly self-improving. The expertise behind the planning is evident in the progression tasks and activities and the way that they are keeping their finger on the pulse to see what new ideas and technologies will further improve the resources and support the children’s motivation and learning.
The resources are well-sequenced and there are ready-made resources available to provide deeper learning and practice.
Although I am a language specialist I can see the benefits of using LA as a non-specialist as there is so much support available from lesson plans and ideas to pre-populated answers sheets. The biggest advantage for a non-socialist is that every piece of language has an audio button for accurate modelling which is so helpful in addressing the worry of mid-pronunciation.
Can’t wait for what’s coming next!
(Longney C of E Primary Academy - Gloucestershire)
Language Angels is great for specialists and non-specialists alike. The plans are well structured with a good variety of activities and with all the relevant paperwork and progression. Some children also access the games at home and say they really enjoy them. Staff are always really helpful and prompt at getting back with answers to queries and the recent CPD I did was very informative.
(Burgh by Sands School - Cumbria)
Language Angels is a fantastic resource. It can be used by teachers with no experience of language teaching as the resources are extremely easy to follow. It provides excellent resources to consolidate learning and the children thoroughly enjoy the lessons. I would recommend this resource to anyone who is looking for a comprehensive modern foreign language scheme to use within a Primary School setting.