Case Study & Testimonials

Jane Hill (Two Waters Primary - Hertfordshire)


Two Waters Primary School have been using Language Angels to teach French, for around two years. Prior to that, we were using \'bits and bobs\' from \'here and there\' and in some classes no French was being taught at all! All KS2 teachers now teach French lessons every week and there\'s even some teaching in KS1 too! Teachers and pupils love the scheme! Teachers, who had previously lacked confidence when delivering a language, now confidently teach the subject. Each lesson has been planned for them, including all of the required resources. The children (and teachers) can hear the vocabulary being pronounced by a French speaker at the click of a button! The games and worksheets have been enjoyed by all age groups. Many of the topics link to subjects being taught in the class, which certainly enhances our creative curriculum. Display material, linked to the topic, reinforces new language learnt and also assists visual learners. In addition to all of this, teachers now have end of unit assessments (self assessments and more formal), which it seems, will satisfy Ofsted criteria. Finally, Language Angels now provide a suggested timetable which shows which topics should be taught for each year group over each half term. This ensures that clear progression is achieved. On a last note, I must also mention the excellent and very prompt support provided by Paolo and Francesca. Thank you Language Angels!

Wendy-May Foster (Wareside Primary - Herts)


Language Angels has been really supportive as we have moved over to the New Curriculum 2014. We were already teaching French to our Key Stage 2 pupils, but this resource has given our teachers the confidence to teach MFL in the light of the curriculum changes. The children find the interactive nature of the lessons interesting and the teachers like the planning format. Thank you Language Angels for all your help!

Justine Florido (Lime Walk Primary - Herts)


We are using the units in our school to deliver the MFL curriculum. The teachers are comfortable using it as they don’t need to be “French Speakers” and your website makes this less scary and less stressful especially as it is all planned, ready to deliver. I would (and have) recommended it to other schools to try!

Ann Stone (Acorns Primary School - Warwickshire)


Earlier this year I was thrilled when our Head Teacher asked me if I would be interested in teaching Spanish to KS2. Learning Spanish is my hobby and I visit my house near Barcelona, as often as I can. However, moments after saying yes, the reality hit me. Where would I start? How good is my accent? I lead Nursery and Reception, I haven\'t taught KS2 for some years, how would I keep these older children engaged? Would this mean more hours of making games, props and work sheets? Then my Head explained he was considering buying in to \'Language Angels\' and would I have a look at it and tell him my thoughts. This I did and I immediately realised what a brilliant resource he had discovered. I quickly emailed him saying \'Yes please!\' and in September the children and I began our \'Language Angels\' adventure. Right from the start we have all found it fun and engaging. I deliver lessons to a Y3/4 class and a Y5/6 class. Both classes started at the same entry point but it is fascinating to see how each lesson evolves differently, as we make full use of all the resources available. Everything is so easy to use: listening repeatedly, moving through the lessons, playing the interactive games. I have not needed to write lesson plans, to prepare any resources and have not needed to worry about my accent as the voice on the program is so clear. Everything I need is at my fingertips. However, as stated in the teacher\'s notes, there is plenty of opportunity for me to add in bits of my personal knowledge and although it is absolutely unnecessary, I have enjoyed adding in some little ideas of my own, like playing a bingo game about colours, after learning them through the program. At the end of the first unit the children used the assessment sheets. As we had some extra time we used the two options and the children reported that they really enjoyed doing both. All the children are very enthusiastic about our lessons and I hear them practising around school. They seek me out to ask what we\'ll be learning next and many are teaching their parents and siblings and bringing in books to support their learning. So .......... what more could you want but this easy-to-use, engaging, fun, hassle-free program. I thoroughly recommend it to all and thank you Paolo Pini for Language Angels.

Noella Cuven (Al Yasmina School - UAE)


This is the fourth year I am using it so it must be good!

Jeanette Cole (Fairmead School - Somerset)


I have been using Language Angels to teach Spanish to children with special educational needs. I have used it to teach pupils aged between 8 and 14 with varying degrees of needs. I have been able to differentiate all the resources available for the language. The children have enjoyed the structure of the lessons and staff have also enjoyed learning the language. The games for each topic are great for group work on the interactive whiteboard or for individual work on tables or computers. The end of the topic assessment was easy to complete and I was able to use this as my assessment evidence.